Tertiary Education
Tertiary Education
The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Business Management is aimed at developing managers and leaders who fully appreciate the relevance of the Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR) and the importance of socio-economic matters in the transformation of the workplace that represents curent and future realities. The BCom in Business Management is a foundational programme that will prepare business leaders for the multi-faceted world of work. This BCom in Business Management seeks to promote the development of knowledge, skills and capabilities required within varied management, administration and leadership contexts. Students will focus on the key elements of business management, leadership, organisational behaviour, holistic thinking, technology and innovation management.
The programme focuses on the business leadership discipline posited against the overarching field of business management and administration. This takes cognisance of the complex inter-relationship of a number of elements that will contribute to, and enhance sustainability of business ventures, including the management of technology, the management of innovation and the management of people within a systems thinking framework.
The qualification is thus structured in such a way that it introduces individuals to the core competencies needed to identify and leverage business opportunities including opportunities provided through social enterprises and establish practices that will enhance the viability of ventures. These competencies will include the latest in local and global trends in business management, administration and leadership within a business and or social enterprise environment. Persons who attain this qualification will be empowered to contribute to the personal, social and economic development of a community and or a country.
The qualification is directed towards prospective individuals who intend to take up junior and middle management positions within both private and public business sector organisations and social enterprises. The foundation of the curriculum is built on a combination of widely acknowledged Business Management disciplines such as general Business Management, Financial Accounting, Economics and Business Research with the option to develop a Business Leadership focus within a selected area of expertise such as Creativity in Management.
The Higher Certificate is specifically designed with the focus on enabling and cultivating students to master a specific range of competencies in preparation for the workplace. Members of an organisation, whose career paths have not necessarily included the acquiring of formal qualifications, may now realise their full potential by developing them to value their roles in both social and organisational contexts and preparing them to perform their jobs efficiently within a modern workplace.
- Equips students with the know-how to recognise particular value-sets
- Institutionalise an appreciation of meaning
- Cultivate intuitive emotions & assimilate a universal presence
- Fosters personal development opportunities
The qualification not only equips students with the know-how needed to recognise particular value-sets, institutionalise an appreciation of meaning, cultivate intuitive emotions & assimilate a universal presence, but it also provides them with personal development opportunities while they meet their job requirements. The learning journey is aimed at acquiring robust business management and life competencies such ethics, intelligence, collaboration and knowledge to operate in a cooperative environment.
The curriculum is coupled with the choice of elective modules in the curriculum that enhance the student's conceptualisation and competencies in specific areas, such as people, systems integration, the use of technology and creativity in management from the person’s individual performance within an organisation.
ACI presents accredited short courses:
- Creative Problem Solving
- Innovation Environment
- Occurrence Investigation Management
Bachelor of Commerce
Higher Certificate
National Certificate
National Certificate
The objective of any learning journey is the acquisition of knowledge. Managers and leaders use knowledge as the basis for decision-making to meet the strategic aims and objectives of the business.
Research Support
Research Administration
The objective of any learning journey is the acquisition of knowledge. Managers and leaders use knowledge as the basis for decision-making to meet the strategic aims and objectives of the business.
Research Design
The objective of any learning journey is the acquisition of knowledge. Managers and leaders use knowledge as the basis for decision-making to meet the strategic aims and objectives of the business.
Research Methodology
The objective of any learning journey is the acquisition of knowledge. Managers and leaders use knowledge as the basis for decision-making to meet the strategic aims and objectives of the business.