About Creativity
Why Creativity?
Pursue any article regarding the most desired skills for the future and you will find that creativity consistently ranks within the top five skills. Several authors may refer to aspects such as problem-solving or innovative thinking, however, these are derivates from the much superior creativity umbrella. Many large companies prefer to employ people above machines in certain areas of their factories as humans can propose improvement ideas that signify the need for creative solutions to unique challenges.
Therefore, developing creativity in management is an essential requirement to succeed as a Managerial Leader that embeds all the essential business competencies in a person’s career.
The Applied Creativity Institute offers, amongst other learning opportunities a BCom Business Management with the elective modules Creativity in Management. This BCom, which is also registered as a Learnership, that focuses on creativity as an essential business management skill is specifically designed with constructs such as creative leadership in mind, aimed at developing managers who will fully appreciate the importance of finding solutions to complex challenges and problems, and to improve related decision-making.
Furthermore, this BCom Business Management with electives Creativity in Management is aimed at developing managers and leaders who fully appreciate the relevance of the Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR) and the importance of socio-economic matters in the transformation of the workplace that represents current realities, and who has become empowered to appropriately respond to this need. Students will focus on the key elements of business management, leadership, organisational behaviour, holistic thinking, technology, and innovation management. We guide students in finding current needs and discovering their significance in real-life contexts as follows:
World Application: We make learning happen using real-world applications. This includes unique research opportunities based on the real-life challenge, experienced in the workplace. Students are encouraged to apply their learning in their respective industries.
Remote Learning: Many of our students are working professionals in their respective industries, influenced by the continuous change continuum. We have customised all our programmes with flexibility, affording you the possibility to study from anywhere in the world.
Learning About: Creativity Explained, Creativity in Action, Thinking in Action, Applied Creativity, Thinking about Thinking
Return on Investment: Our assessments and projects aim to solve real-world problems and find implementable solutions that enhance workplace efficiencies. Employees and learners acquire the knowledge and skills to make meaningful contributions in work contexts.
Some of the benefits of enrolling on this programme are as follows:
The module and course content promote awareness of the benefits of being entrepreneurial and or intrapreneurial
Modules and courses are designed around the role of business management & leadership
Learning interventions are aligned to emerging market realities and related strategies
A variety of assessment techniques & tools are applied
Workshops are lectured by industry experts
Programme scheduling is flexible
Discover the Role of Creativity. Become a front-runner! Start developing yourself today as a master of this art by becoming a scholar and practitioner of creativity.
Please be so kind as to contact us for more detail.