Applied Creativity

Applied Creativity for Frontrunner Practitioners

Applied Creativity

Applied Creativity for Frontrunner Practitioners

Applied Creativity Practitioner

Become an Applied Creativity Practitioner grounded in our BluAgile® essentials for PractitionersAn objective of any creative journey is the collection and preparation of the intelligence needed to respond to the creative needs and the acquisition of the knowledge required to be able to do it. Individuals, leaders and managers use collaboration as the basis for finding solutions to their challenges that lays the foundation for making sound and ethical decisions to meet their and their organisations' strategic aims and objectives.

Credentialing for Applied Creativity

Personalised credentialing for front runner Practitioners

Practitioner Essentials

This designation is certified by EduNomix and acknowledged as a formal occupation by the ASCHP, a SAQA recognised professional body for supportive counsellors and holistic practitioners (ID 684). Practitioner-Specific Modules allow you to continue your journey as practitioner, provided that the Generic Modules have been obtained. The Applied Creativity specialisation is the go-to source for future-thinking practitioners interested in developing applied creativity and innovation management competencies. The Applied Creativity specialisation modules are:

Specific Practitioner Modules

Description of the specialisation Practitioner Modules and includes:

Creativity Explained

Creativity Explained provides a historical perspective of thinking and the evolution of creativity. An overview is provided of the elements required in achieving creativity, comparisons are drawn between creativity and innovation, and creativity and technology. Learners are introduced to the significance of Da Vinci's 7 principles in whole brain learning and creativity.

Thinking about Thinking
Thinking about Thinking (Metacognition) provides an overview of the theory to describe thinking and initiate cognition of thinking and learning. A framework is learnt wherein the elements required for integral creative processing are captured, such as:
  • knowledge creation,
  • regulation and knowledge of creative cognition,
  • the justified belief of being, and
  • discovering the knowledge about knowing.
Creativity in Action 01
Creativity in Action (1) provides learners with an in-depth understanding of creative astuteness and the knowledge and understanding of the skills necessary to exercise creativity across contexts. The role and function of creativity frames such as the use of imaginative vision, metaphoric rhetoric, ideation, and the use of paradigms to facilitate a creative environment, are studied.
Creativity in Action 02
Creativity in Action (2) provides learners with an in-depth understanding of creative astuteness and the knowledge and understanding of the skills necessary to exercise creativity across contexts. The skills required for Integral Creative Processing (ICP) such as Creative Problem Solving (CPS) and Creative Decision Making (CDM), in finding creative solutions, are acquired.
Creativity Assessment
Creativity Assessment provides an overview of the mechanisms needed to measure creativity as an attribute and the distinction between leading creative people and leading creatively. Learners discover the essentials of creativity assessment and gain insight into the measurability of creativity.
Applied Creativity
Applied Creativity provides learners with in-depth knowledge and understanding of creative intelligence, noticed integrally, such as intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual competencies, values and opinions about the self, others and the creative environment. Learners discover how to apply creativity as a concept in learning organisations, engage collaboratively in creativity, creativity and continuous learning, and ethical creativity dilemmas.

Description of the specialisation Practitioner Modules

Specific Practitioner Modules

Creativity Explained

Creativity Explained provides a historical perspective of thinking and the evolution of creativity. An overview is provided of the elements required in achieving creativity, comparisons are drawn between creativity and innovation, and creativity and technology. Learners are introduced to the significance of Da Vinci's 7 principles in whole brain learning and creativity.

Specific Practitioner Module:

Creativity Explained

Specific Practitioner Module:

Thinking about Thinking

Thinking about Thinking

Thinking about Thinking (Metacognition) provides an overview of the theory to describe thinking and initiate cognition of thinking and learning. A framework is learnt wherein the elements required for integral creative processing are captured, such as:
  • knowledge creation,
  • regulation and knowledge of creative cognition,
  • the justified belief of being, and
  • discovering the knowledge about knowing.

Creativity in Action 01

Creativity in Action (1) provides learners with an in-depth understanding of creative astuteness and the knowledge and understanding of the skills necessary to exercise creativity across contexts. The role and function of creativity frames such as the use of imaginative vision, metaphoric rhetoric, ideation, and the use of paradigms to facilitate a creative environment, are studied.

Specific Practitioner Module:

Creativity in Action 01

Specific Practitioner Module:

Creativity in Action 02

Creativity in Action 02

Creativity in Action (2) provides learners with an in-depth understanding of creative astuteness and the knowledge and understanding of the skills necessary to exercise creativity across contexts. The skills required for Integral Creative Processing (ICP) such as Creative Problem Solving (CPS) and Creative Decision Making (CDM), in finding creative solutions, are acquired.

Creativity Assessment

Creativity Assessment provides an overview of the mechanisms needed to measure creativity as an attribute and the distinction between leading creative people and leading creatively. Learners discover the essentials of creativity assessment and gain insight into the measurability of creativity.

Specific Practitioner Module:

Creativity Assessment

Specific Practitioner Module:

Applied Creativity

Applied Creativity

Applied Creativity provides learners with in-depth knowledge and understanding of creative intelligence, noticed integrally, such as intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual competencies, values and opinions about the self, others and the creative environment. Learners discover how to apply creativity as a concept in learning organisations, engage collaboratively in creativity, creativity and continuous learning, and ethical creativity dilemmas.



It seems to me that a view of the heavenly bodies through a fine telescope, as well as a tour round the world.


Though the gravity still dragged at him, his muscles were making great efforts to adjust. After the daily classes.


Truly it was a great journey, and in it I met with many, whom to know was to love; but whom never could I see again.

Comparative Credit Value

Comparative Credit Value *
Creativity Explained10
Thinking about Thinking 10
Creativity in Action 01 10
Creativity in Action 02 10
 Creativity Assessment  10
 Applied Creativity  10
Subtotal (Specific Practitioner Modules) 60
The Core Practitioner Modules 70
Total (Comparative Credit Value)130

* Note: Comparative credit value refers to the anticipated notional hours

Box set: Applied Creativity practitioner

Applied Creativity

Practitioner Essentials

Credentialing made simple with the Applied Creativity Institute. 

Brought to you by Nomix™ & xlusive BluAgile® Methodology.

Applied Creativity
Applied Creativity
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